Re-thinking “Judge Not”
Thursday, October 20th, 2011Perhaps the most misunderstood and ill-used verse of Scripture is “Judge not, lest you be judged.” We hear this from those wishing to deflect moral censure, as though Jesus is making a blanket statement against all judgment. I’m convinced most people don’t even know where this is found (Matthew 7:1), but use it anyway to […]
Read full post...Mr. Bojangles, Rascal, God and Me — 9/7/11
Monday, September 12th, 2011Well, the deed is done. I’m saddened, but not all broken up about it; after all he was just a cat. Still, if he’d have been suffering with pain, I could better justify putting him down September 6th at 6:30 pm. I found him at the end of November 1994, along with two other kittens […]
Read full post...A Socratic Dialogue
Saturday, July 9th, 2011A friend of mine and I were talking recently about the “Socratic Dialogues” so famously part of Greek philosophical thought. I got to thinking: If Socrates were a Christian, perhaps he would engage in a dialogue along the lines of the one below, concerning the veracity of Scripture and the limitations of reason. Infidelus: “You are a Christian, are […]
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