Mr. Bojangles, Rascal, God and Me — 9/7/11
Monday, September 12th, 2011Well, the deed is done. I’m saddened, but not all broken up about it; after all he was just a cat. Still, if he’d have been suffering with pain, I could better justify putting him down September 6th at 6:30 pm. I found him at the end of November 1994, along with two other kittens […]
Read full post...How About Some More of That Free Pizza? (an article from 2009)
Monday, April 18th, 2011From a December 12, 2008 Collegian article, I gather atheism is alive and well in Happy Valley. In front of Old Main on December 11, the Penn State Atheist and Agnostic Association offered free pizza to anyone willing to blaspheme the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. On one level this bothers me, as […]
Read full post...The Problem with Pluralism
Monday, April 4th, 2011Years ago, a Chicago eatery displayed a sign stating: O’Hara’s Pizza, best Chinese food in town. This ad demonstrates America’s “melting pot” image. Because various ethnic groups live in such close proximity, we’ve become familiar with other culture’s customs, food, and tastes. We are also exposed to various religious views. This has led many to […]
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