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Sermons (4)
Luke 2:25-38 |
Luke 2:25-38 (Part of the Various Messages series). |
Preached by David R. Spaugh on November 29, 2020 (Sunday Morning). |
Proverbs 23:22-23 |
Proverbs 23:22-23 (Part of the Various Messages series). |
Preached by David R. Spaugh on November 22, 2020 (Sunday Morning). |
John 4:43-54 |
John 4:43-54 (Part of the The Gospel of John series). |
Preached by David R. Spaugh on November 15, 2020 (Sunday Morning). |
Daniel 2:19-23 |
Daniel 2:19-23 (Part of the Various Messages series). |
Preached by David R. Spaugh on November 8, 2020 (Sunday Morning). |
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